Aden Rana

Aden Rana

I began my scientific journey with a Double Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics and Physics (2018-2021), completed at the University Paris Est Créteil (UPEC) in the Paris region. This double degree allowed me to acquire the necessary skills for both mathematicians and physicists, such as rigor and practical thinking. Then, I continued my studies with a Master’s degree in Science and Materials Engineering (2021-2023), jointly accredited by UPEC, Université Gustave Eiffel (UGE), and École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (Ponts ParisTech). In the second year of my master’s program, I specialized in Advanced Materials and Nanomaterials. The main areas of study included materials synthesis and characterization, while secondary areas, equally important, focused on simulation and literature research. There, I discovered simulation methods such as DFT and molecular dynamics, under the guidance of Dr. CRIVELLO (ICMPE) and Dr. AYADIM (PLMC). Thus, I was able to reconcile my two passions once again.

I will begin my doctoral thesis under the supervision of Dr. MANZANO in 2024. The topic revolves around the atomic-scale modeling of prenucleation, nucleation, and growth phenomena of CaCO3 involved in the use of calcium carbonate-based cements (CCC). This thesis is part of the CONTRABASS doctoral network funded by the European Union’s Horizon-MSCA program, aiming to deepen our understanding of this type of cement, which could significantly reduce CO2 emissions compared to “traditional” cements.

My professional experience has been shaped by mandatory internships required for the completion of each degree. The first internship (2021) took place in an academic setting at the Laboratory of Multiscale Modeling and Simulation (MSME), a joint research unit of the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). The objective was to simulate and conduct traction tests to create a database containing the mechanical properties of various types of 3D printing resins, studying “bulk” samples. This database was used to complement the microstructured sample database. Ultimately, these databases contributed to a better understanding of the mechanical behaviors of the interface between bone and tendon and the development of better prostheses, as only 70% of limb replacement surgeries are successful in France. The second internship (2023) took place in an industrial setting at the III-V Lab, an economic interest group shared between Thales Research and Technology (TRT), Nokia, and CEA Leti. This laboratory specializes in the study of semiconductors composed of elements from columns III and V of the periodic table. The aim of this internship was to enhance an existing simulation code by implementing various phenomena involved in superlattices (SL) used for photodetection, through object-oriented programming in C++.

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