Ahn Phan

DC7 External supervisor.
Host secondments DC7.

Anh Phan was awarded her PhD in Chemical Engineering from University College London in 2016. Then she worked a Research Scientist in the Institute of High-Performance Computing, A*STAR, Singapore, from June 2017 to June 2018. In July 2018, she joined University College London working a Post-Doctoral Research Associate, where she contributed to the European Union’s Horizon 2020 project Science4CleanEnergy, which the current project is synergistic to, and CBET-EPSRC grant project until December 2021. In January 2022, she joined the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at the University of Surrey as a Lecturer (Assistant Professor), where she has remained. Anh Phan specialises in molecular modelling of interfacial systems; she published 30 peer-reviewed journal articles and 1 book chapter with h-index of 17. Her research is relevant to engineering sectors, such as energy, separations, catalysis, and sustainability. She has supervised one exchange PhD student, three MEng students and one MSc student while co-supervised two EngD students in collaboration with Schlumberger.

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