DCs Incorporations

🌟 Meet our DC1, @ fangyuan-ren, who has embarked on her PhD journey under the #HorizonEU #CONTRABASS #MSCA !!! 

🎓 Fangyuan is pursuing her PhD under the expert guidance of @paivo Kinnunen at @university-of-oulu. Her research will focus on uncovering the reasons why aluminate phases (C3A and C4AF) do not carbonate in comparison with calcium silicates. This work aims to bring new insights and advancements in the field.

👏 Join us in welcoming Fangyuan and wishing her great success in her academic and research pursuits!

🚀 Introducing Batoul Assi, our DC5, who has commenced her PhD journey under the #CONTRABASS #HorizonEurope #MSCA !!

🔬 Batoul is undertaking her research at @cnrs under the guidance of @alexander-pisch. Her innovative work will focus on computing the phase diagram and thermodynamic properties of CaCO3 polymorphs using ab-initio simulations. She aims to transform these findings into a set of coherent Gibbs energy data for kinetic and process simulations.

👏 Let’s give Batoul a warm welcome and wish her all the best in her scientific endeavors!

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